Sol is our sun and an early symbol of God, best exemplified in the Eye of Ra. A symbol of alchemical metal of Gold, Home, the Center, it defines the Alpha and Omega as a central dot and sphere of action. Its shape is created by a Compass and it looks like an Eye. This symbol is the Self in Jungian psychology.
The cyclical nature of Luna’s phases is the receptive feminine in perfect balance to the constant nature of Sol. As a symbol of the Goddess, the crescent moon became the cup of the Holy Grail myth. It’s alchemical metal is Silver.
Sun and moon appear equal in mans eyes because the sun is 400 times larger but also 400 times further away. It is 2160 miles in diameter, which matches the 2160 years in each constellation in the Great Year.
Lunatics will say these are ‘Remarkable accidents’
Saturn, known as Chronos, was the Father to the Gods. It’s alchemical metal association is Lead, the lowest state. It is also known as Father Time and Death itself. The Phi ratio is repeated throughout its structure
The Freemasons Compass and Ruler as Sacred Geometry. The Ruler is the King, the Compass is the Queen. The union of two spheres creates the first Veil and the sacred Yoni. To ‘Know’ someone in biblical times was to have had Sex with them. Here the ‘sex’ between the opposites creates Knowledge.
A stable hexagon at one pole of Saturn highlights a marriage of pentagonal and hexagonal geometries. Regular geometric forms are created by the fluid dynamics of two opposing rotational forces.
Pentagonal exterior angles are in the ratios of the Moon to Earth distance, Sun to Earth distance, and the relative size of Sun and Earth.
“Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung” is a mantra is typically translated as “Sun, Moon, Earth, Infinity, All that is in infinity, I am Thee.”
The Pentagram of Venus, the Goddess of Love who dances the Truth. Venus is also the symbol for the feminine as well as the Alchemical metal Copper, the metal most used to carry the aggressive electrical current.
Here the orbital periods of the planets displays many remarkable phi relationships when Earths period is set as the starting value of one.
Precession is the slow wobble of the earth, like a slowing spinning top, which moves us through one of the twelve constellations every 2160 years. As well as correlating to the Moons radius in miles, it also means it takes 72 years to move us through 1 degree of the Zodiac.
We’ve spent 2160 years in the constellation of Pisces, only moving into Aquarius in 2012 as the Mayan cycle completed.
Thoth was the God of Wisdom in Egypt who became Greek Hermes and supposed author of the Emerald Tablet. The Emerald Tablet is a succinct alchemical passage on the operations of the Sun, of the pattern behind reality. It describes how to free the two Divine alchemical essences, often called the Sun and Moon, from the ‘Salt of the Earth’. Elemental Earth is a symbol of matter and our body as a vessel. Later Hermes was conflated with Anubis, the jackal headed guardian of the Underworld, to form Hermanubis.
The Roman equivalent to Hermes was Mercury, the fastest and closest planet to the Sun. Its easy to see how Thoth, Hermes and Mercury became associated with being a Messenger of the Gods and the Quicksilver of the alchemists.
Quicksilver is the deification of the planet Mercury as a direct result of applying the Hermetic Principles ‘All is Mind’ and ‘As Above, So Below’. Initiation of the alchemist is said to be carried out by Thoth inside the Holy of Holy’s, your innermost being.