Manly P. Hall

At twenty seven years of age Manly P. Hall had already published one of humanities greatest esoteric works, the Secret Teachings of All Ages. While that is an amazing work, its not the focus here. We’ve something a lot more magical to consider.

Lucifer, like Venus, was called the morning star. He was the fallen Angel, Eve, Lilith and our bodies as the material grave.

Lucifer, like Venus, was called the morning star. He was the fallen Angel, Eve, Lilith and our bodies as the material grave.

The third eye is the gate to the spiritual realm

Third Eye Alchemy

“When stimulated by Kundalini, the gland stands upright, lifting itself like the head of a cobra ready to strike and, like the head of this snake, the gland increases in size and its little finger-like protuberance moves with the rapidity of a serpents tongue. The pineal gland, having removed itself as an obstruction to the passage between the ventricles, permits the essences in the brain to mix in a spiritual alchemy.”


Enter the Fairy Realm

In Manly Hall’s short work ‘Initiates of the Flame' he explains how in Freemasonry the first builders name was Hiram. The First Builder was the trinity of Fire, Water and Air, also called Shin. ש

Earth is the symbolically the grave of the First Builder.

“Before starting to take up the study of the Grail legends, it will be well for all who are interested to read those tales that are now labelled under the heading of children’s fairy stores. For example the story of good King Arthur and his Round Table is a cosmic myth.”

Prove the mystery yourself with ‘Empty Bottles’ and the ‘Stone of the Wise Man‘, but the list is now endless as the Truth permeates our media because it is always being distilled by our actions.

Empty Bottles by Howard Pyle

Garden Behind the Moon by Howard Pyle

The Stone of the Wise Man by Hans Christian Anderson

The Garden of Paradise by Hans Christian Anderson

The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson

Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum

Momo by Michael Ende

Neverending Story by Michael Ende

Night of Wishes by Michael Ende

Nature herself is the creative Goddess and she’s becoming more and more visible as we begin our ascent into Aquarius.

E. Nesbit was a suspected member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

E. Nesbit was a suspected member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Magical Self Help

I found the Book of Dragons by following a single story of note from another anthology book. Each story is beautifully crafted to paint visions of a truth in your mind. Each is a different viewpoint on the occult alchemical process, the secret knowledge held by the Freemasons and Rosicrucian’s.

Frank Baum of Oz fame was a Theosophist. Theosophy is one who treats all spiritual stories as different views of Source. Using experience and knowledge the theosophist distills the Truth and Gold. Think of jigsaw pieces as knowledge, and how with enough pieces you will be able to see the subject of the jigsaw.

The Golden Dawn was formed from dissatisfied members of Theosophy, they wanted something a little more practical. Anthroposophy was another offshoot of Theosophy, setup by Rudolf Steiner it “postulated the existence of an objective, intellectually comprehensible spiritual world, accessible to human experience”.

The Neverending Story and Momo were written by Michael Ende. His parents were among the founding members of Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy. His father, Edgar Ende, painted some of the most intriguing esoteric art.

Mother Shakti, The Kundalini as the Virgin Mary

The Moon and Compass drawing a magic circle