The Serpent

What does Eden really represent?

What does Eden really represent?

The Serpent is one of the most enduring symbols of the humanity, often portrayed as good in the east, and bad in the west. The exoteric interpretation of Eden is the serpent was responsible for tempting Eve into mankind’s first sin causing our expulsion from the Garden. This origin was later interpreted as an early version of the D’evil or Satan. Being an symbol of temptation it seemed to serve as a deterrent for the minds of our ancestors, instead of a symbol of true knowledge requiring the most contemplation.

The Mysteries are all about Nature and the beautiful forms she creates with the Light. It doesn’t matter if you want to label her Eve or Lilith, God or Satan, Lucifer or the Beast, the seeker still has to do the work to filter or merge all these opposing symbols. Using the Hermetic Principles as a lantern, and the Yin-Yang as our mandala, it is possible to go between all opposites.

Path of the Ophite

The Rose

Why is transformation linked to the Rose?

Why is transformation linked to the Rose?

The Rose is a symbol of huge importance in western esoteric thought. The knowledge behind it is the most direct evidence of our deity, specifically the feminine, and it is the focus of all mystery schools. It remains an elusive and occult idea because its is invisible to the logical mind. The fingerprint of the Rose is woven throughout our reality in the most curious of ways, so to comprehend it requires both creativity and logic in harmony, and a certain poetic mindset.

The Rose is the vessel that is nurturing the Light, in the same way air nurtures lightning. It is the elemental Earth that life and Light is pouring into, our missing Goddess and dark feminine receptacle that is feared most in pop culture.

The Rose is Nature herself, the Queen of Elements and emotions.

The Pine Cone

Pine Occulted.jpg

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